
In Press

Hoeppner SS, Carlon HA, Lambert AF, Hoeppner BH. Thought-Action Repertoire and Recovery from Problematic Substance Use: A Viable Treatment Target? . General Hospital Psychiatry. In Press.

Hoeppner BB, Hoeppner SS, Carlon HA, Perez GK, Helmuth E, Kahler CW, Kelly JF. Feasibility and acceptability of a smartphone app leveraging positive psychology to support smoking. JMIR mHealth and uHealth. In Press.


Millstein RA, Chung W-J, Hoeppner BB, Boehm JK, Legler SR, Mastromauro CA, Huffman JC. Development of the State Optimism Measure. General hospital psychiatry. 2019;58 :83-93.

Eddie D, Hoffman L, Vilsaint C, Abry A, Bergman B, Hoeppner B, Weinstein C, Kelly JF. Lived Experience as Clinical Assets in New Models of Care for Substance Use Disorder: A Systematic Review of Recovery Coaching and Peer Recovery Support Services. Frontiers in Psychology. 2019;10 :1052.

Kelly JF, Greene MC, Bergman BG, White WL, Hoeppner BB. How Many Recovery Attempts Does it Take to Successfully Resolve an Alcohol or Drug Problem? Estimates and Correlates From a National Study of Recovering US Adults. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 2019.

Brown HE, Freudenreich O, Fan X, Heard SO, Goff D, Petrides G, Harrington AL, Kane JM, Judge H, Hoeppner B. Efficacy and tolerability of adjunctive intravenous sodium nitroprusside treatment for outpatients with schizophrenia: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA psychiatry. 2019.

Hoeppner BB, Schick MR, Carlon H, Hoeppner SS. Do self-administered positive psychology exercises work in persons in recovery from problematic substance use? An online randomized survey. Journal of substance abuse treatment. 2019;99 :16-23.

Freeman MP, Papakostas GI, Hoeppner B, Mazzone E, Judge H, Cusin C, Mathew S, Sanacora G, Iosifescu D, DeBattista C. Sex differences in response to ketamine as a rapidly acting intervention for treatment resistant depression. Journal of psychiatric research. 2019;110 :166-171.

Salloum NC, Fava M, Freeman MP, Flynn M, Hoeppner B, Hock RS, Cusin C, Iosifescu DV, Trivedi MH, Sanacora G. Efficacy of intravenous ketamine treatment in anxious versus nonanxious unipolar treatment‐resistant depression. Depression and anxiety. 2019;36 (3) :235-243.

Hoeppner BB, Hoeppner SS, Schick MR, Milligan CM, Helmuth E, Bergman BG, Abroms LC, Kelly JF. Using the text-messaging program SmokefreeTXT to support smoking cessation for nondaily smokers. Substance use & misuse. 2019;54 (8) :1260-1271.

Papakostas GI, Johe K, Hand H, Drouillard A, Russo P, Kay G, Kashambwa R, Hoeppner B, Flynn M, Yeung A. A phase 2, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of NSI-189 phosphate, a neurogenic compound, among outpatients with major depressive disorder. Molecular psychiatry. 2019 :1.

Kelly JF, Greene CM, Bergman B, Hoeppner B. Smoking cessation in the context of recovery from drug and alcohol problems: Prevalence, predictors, and cohort effects in a national US sample. Drug and alcohol dependence. 2019;195 :6-12.


Villegas AC, DuBois CM, Celano CM, Beale EE, Mastromauro CA, Stewart JG, Auerbach RP, Huffman JC, Hoeppner BB. A longitudinal investigation of the Concise Health Risk Tracking Self-Report (CHRT-SR) in suicidal patients during and after hospitalization. Psychiatry research. 2018;262 :558-565.

Fava M, Freeman MP, Flynn M, Hoeppner BB, Shelton R, Iosifescu DV, Murrough JW, Mischoulon D, Cusin C, Rapaport M. Double-blind, proof-of-concept (POC) trial of Low-Field Magnetic Stimulation (LFMS) augmentation of antidepressant therapy in treatment-resistant depression (TRD). Brain stimulation. 2018;11 (1) :75-84.

Legler S, Celano CM, Beale EE, Hoeppner BB, Huffman JC. Use of text messages to increase positive affect and promote physical activity in patients with heart disease. Current Psychology. 2018 :1-8.

Kelly JF, Abry AW, Milligan CM, Bergman BG, Hoeppner BB. On being “in recovery”: A national study of prevalence and correlates of adopting or not adopting a recovery identity among individuals resolving drug and alcohol problems. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 2018;32 (6) :595.

Bergman BG, Greene CM, Hoeppner BB, Kelly JF. Expanding the reach of alcohol and other drug services: Prevalence and correlates of US adult engagement with online technology to address substance problems. Addictive behaviors. 2018;87 :74-81.

Fava M, Freeman MP, Flynn M, Judge H, Hoeppner BB, Cusin C, Ionescu DF, Mathew SJ, Chang LC, Iosifescu DV. Double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-ranging trial of intravenous ketamine as adjunctive therapy in treatment-resistant depression (TRD). Molecular psychiatry. 2018 :1.


Evins EA, Hoeppner SS, Schoenfeld DA, Hoeppner BB, Cather C, Pachas GN, Cieslak KM, Maravic MC. Maintenance pharmacotherapy normalizes the relapse curve in recently abstinent tobacco smokers with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Schizophrenia research. 2017;183 :124-129.

Hoeppner BB, Hoeppner SS, Abroms LC. How do text‐messaging smoking cessation interventions confer benefit? A multiple mediation analysis of Text2Quit. Addiction. 2017;112 (4) :673-682.